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​[ en ] Alphabet-owned drone delivery spin-out Wing is starting to service U.S. customers, after becoming the first drone delivery company to get the federal go-ahead to do so earlier this year. [ /en ] [ cn ] Alphabet(谷歌重组后的 " 伞形公司 ")拥有的无人机快递公司 Wing 开始为美国消费者服务了,今年早些时候已成为第一个让美国提前开始此项服务的无人机快递公司。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] Wing is working with FedEx Express and Walgreens on this pilot, and their first customers are Michael and Kelly Collver, who will get a "cough and cold pack," which includes Tylenol, cough drops, facial tissues, Emergen-C and bottled water ( do people who have colds need bottled water? ) . [ /en ] [ cn ] Wing 的这一项目与联邦快递和沃尔格林公司合作,第一批顾客是 Michael 和 Kelly Collver,他们将得到 " 咳嗽和感冒包裹 ",包括泰诺、止咳药、面巾纸、Emergen-C 和瓶装水(感冒的人需要瓶装水吗?) [ /cn ]

[ en ] The Collvers are receiving their package in Christianburg, Va., which is where Wing and Walgreens will run this inaugural pilot of the drone delivery service. [ /en ] [ cn ] Collver 一家人将在弗吉尼亚州 Christianburg 收到包裹,也是 Wing 和沃尔格林公司无人机快递服务的首个试点地区。 [ /cn ]



[ en ] Walgreens gets a noteworthy credit in the bargain, becoming the first U.S. retailer to do a store-to-customer doorstep delivery via drone, while FedEx will be the first logistics provider to deliver an e-commerce drone delivery with a separate shipment. [ /en ] [ cn ] 这次合作中沃尔格林公司获得了显著的好评,成为美国第一个通过无人机送货上门的零售商,联邦快递将成为第一个单独用无人机为电商送快递的物流供应商。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] Wing is also working with Virginia ’ s Sugar Magnolia, a retailer local to the state, and that part of the equation is focused on proving out how Wing and drone delivery can service last-mile e-commerce customers at their homes. [ /en ] [ cn ] Wing 也在和弗吉尼亚州的 Sugar Magnolia 公司合作,该公司是当地零售商,这一合作重点是要证明 Wing 和无人机快递如何为电商消费者送货上门。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] Sugar Magnolia customers can get small items, including chocolates and paper goods, delivered directly to them via drone through the new pilot. [ /en ] [ cn ] Sugar Magnolia 公司的消费者能买小件物品,包括巧克力和纸制品,新的试运行项目可以用无人机直接将货物送给消费者。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] Wing was able to do this with a new Air Carrier Certificate from the FAA that clears it for expanded service, specifically allowing Wing ’ s pilots to manage multiple aircraft flying without any human pilot on board at the same time, while providing service to the public. [ /en ] [ cn ] Wing 能做到这些是因为有美国联邦航空管理局颁发的新的航空承运人证书,允许其扩展业务,特别是允许 Wing 的飞行员在为公众服务时同时管理多架飞行中的无人驾驶的飞机。 [ /cn ]

上一篇:谷歌 Pixel 4 系列详细参数曝光

